Couples Therapy

In-Person or Virtual

Couples therapy can be in-person (in Santa Barbara, CA), virtual, or a combination of both. Intensive short-term therapy or ongoing couples therapy is just as effective online as it is in-person. We will accommodate your needs and preferences to provide the most effective care.

“It is the quality of our relationships


Urgent Care for Couples

URGENT CARE for couples is immediate and intensive therapy sessions, usually multiple sessions a week, to help stabilize a relationship. Urgent care is tailored to your relationship and involves a combination of couples and individual sessions. Sometimes a single session is all that is needed but other times the two week intensive may be the critical care your relationship needs. Click below for pricing details. 


Couple's Therapy

Couple’s therapy typically consists of weekly sessions to address disruptions in communication and unresolved conflict. The goal is typically to return the relationship to being a source of connection, safety, and joy by improving communication, addressing unresolved ruptures, and teaching skills to allow ongoing connection. Couples utilize therapy to address areas of conflict such as money, sex, lack of closeness, empty nest, affairs, parenting issues, and more…

Urgent Care

for couples and relationships

Identify Core Conflicts

The first stage of therapy involves identifying the core conflicts of the relationship and how each partner is contributing.

Communicate Core Needs

Middle stage of therapy involves identifying and expressing core needs that may not be getting met.

Repair after Conflict

Last stage of therapy involves learning how to reestablish love, safety, trust, and communication.

To get started reach out for a free 15 minute consultation. This allows you to get discuss your current situation and assess whether you can benefit from couples therapy. 

 get the help your relationship needs

(805) 312-8078

Couple's Therapy

An emotion focused therapy (EFT) approach for couples is one that address conflict at its emotional root. It identifies each partner’s core emotional wounds and attachment style, and each partner’s attachment style interact and cause breakdowns in communication. This approach is great for couples who love each other but find themselves caught in never ending fights or chronic hurt feelings. EFT helps couples to gain insight into their emotional patterns and then enact new, more positive ways of communicating that leads to increased safety, love, and trust. 

(805) 312-8078

Schedule your free 15 minute counsultation now